Thursday, February 18, 2010


February 18, 2010

Today is a new day. After not completing any of my happiness projects yesterday, I have decided to do them this weekend in addition to the ones I have yet to plan. I have a few ideas in the works, just nothing decided.

I woke up early at 5am. Since I did not have to actually get ready for work until 6, I had plans of blogging, reading or exercising. I just went back to bed. I don’t know why I can’t get motivated lately.

My new ‘happiness project’ is to lose 10 pounds. For some reason I get to a weight and I tell myself this is as low as I can go, my body won’t let me lose the weight, so why bother. The last ‘lowest’ weight my body would let me go was 10 pounds ago. So I have decided to challenge myself and lose another 10 pounds. After that is accomplished, I will really be as low as I can go for my body type. I am a tall girl, 5’9 and there is a point of being too skinny. I am very healthy by the way, just had my physical last week.

I know that losing weight isn’t something that a lot of people will agree will bring me happiness. I know that losing weight alone won’t make you happier, you need to make other changes. It is not about the losing weight for me, yes I want to get rid of this last 10 pounds, but MY Happiness Project is about doing things that I put off or make excuses for not doing or competing. If I have an hour to drive to the mall, shop and spend money, I have time to workout, clean-out my junk drawer, closet ect.

What MY Happiness Project is all about is: Things that do not cost money, but will bring me lasting happiness.

Tonight is girl’s night. Every Thursday we make a conscious effort to have girl’s night. This can be expensive, usually a $20 night at least. I allow myself to attend this outing every week because even though it is expensive, almost half of what I spend on groceries a week. I know that it is good for me mentally, to be with girl friends and talk about problems, concerns, or just laugh hysterically. I told my BFF that this week I was feeling selfish, so it will be just her and I going to dinner, usually we invite a lot of girls and 6 or more usually show up. We are going to Sweet Tomatoes. Which is difficult for me to eat there because of the gluten, sometimes I get sick (which consists of a headache and sometimes stomach issues) and sometimes I am totally fine. So today I am feeling brave.

My Happiness Project for today I completed was putting the money I had left in my bank account as of last night right before I got paid towards my credit card. I don’t have a lot of debt; just a little bit of nagging that I allow myself to keep. I will do this every other paycheck in addition to my monthly payments until the balance is $0.00 read that $0.00!

Foods for the day:

Gluten free Chex and Glutino Pretzel stick (which are amazing)

Celestial Acai Mango Zinger Caffeine free tea

Salad which consisted of romaine lettuce, feta, cranberries, cucumbers, carrots, and walnuts from Pie Zanos.

Glutino Sans Gluten Free Wild berry Baies savages

Dinner will be lots of delicious goodness at Sweet Tomatoes

Frozen Yogurt

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