Thursday, May 13, 2010

Just not feeling it...

After a weekend of traveling, great exercise, and eating out way too much. My body has just wanted to shut down this week. I know eating out is a big culprit. I am trying to find a balance to get back to eating the way I do normally, but it seems nothing is helping. I know that gluten is almost always ingested when eating out. That is why I usually only eat out once a week for girls night and its usually at a safe place. I ate out 3 times in 3 days, at not so safe places. My stomach feels awful and sore.

3 days of not working out and just wanting to sleep the morning away, I finally got up and did 30 minutes on the elliptical today. I had hoped for more, but the way I am feeling, that was all I could do.

I get really bloated and gain weight when this happens. Not to mention feeling major fatigue, headaches, forgetfulness and anger. I will remember this week for a long time. I have not braved food out like that in a long time (so long I didn't remember) and hope to remember what I feel like and not do it again. Not to mention its expensive!

Today is a new day and I am going to concentrate on getting back to basics. Only raw food items. No processed and minimal veggies.

Exercise: Elliptical
Time: 30 minutes
Distance: .93 miles
Calories: 403